
It Takes a Community

By Lisa Hosler
President, Align Life Ministries

I entered the blog world kicking and screaming.

When God led me to begin writing a book about seeking God with your teams, I didn’t know it would require venturing into all things social media. But I became convinced of the value of sharing concepts online before publishing. So in the midst of book-writing, I slogged into the unfamiliar land of Blog.

Argh. Grunt. Sputter. Harrumph. I’m trying to write a book, for goodness sakes! Who has time to learn about WordPress?! And isn’t SEO just another version of CEO… something like Senior Executive Officer, for instance? I’ve successively lived all these years without Facebook, and now you’re telling me it’s a necessary part of blogging? Pullease… !

In the midst of my bad attitude, we had our weekly “Body of Christ” time at work and an amazing thing happened.

Before I finish my story, here’s what these gatherings look like.

We take turns leading in a time of engaging with God and each other. The meetings are as varied as each staffer’s personality and relationship with God. For example:

  • Whoever is leading may direct us to take a walk outside – separately – and reflect on whatever God draws our attention to. Afterwards, we come together to share insights and Scriptures about God as Creator, His love for each person strolling the sidewalks, etc.
  • Or, the leader might distribute Play-Doh and invite us to portray how God’s at work in our lives. Worship music may be playing in the background while we mold our project, and afterwards there’s time for sharing. (Male or female, creative or all-thumbs – we’ve each grown to appreciate various expressions of relational community.)
  • At another gathering, the leader may pose a pertinent, thought-provoking question. We spend time discussing it, looking into the Word, and praying about it together.

Back to the story:

On my bummed-about-blogging morning, a staffer handed out verses that were meaningful to her in the prior months. She briefly shared the ups and downs of her journey and how God brought her to a place of surrender. She encouraged us to reflect on our verse and see how God may speak to us through it.

My verse didn’t leap off the page and no still, small voice accompanied it. When we were invited to share the significance of our verse, several people offered personal insights. I stuffed mine in my Bible.

The next morning I pulled it out and read it in context. That’s when it happened. God used 1 Peter 5:2-3 to speak to me about blogging. Through those verses I sensed He was calling me to blog willingly, eagerly, and by sharing examples from my own leadership travails and triumphs in Him.

Boom. Just like that, blogging left the obligatory realm and entered into the obedience-unto-God realm – making all the difference in the world for me. I realized God wanted me to blog, and I’ve experienced his grace to do it week by week. Surprisingly, it’s become one of the most enjoyable writing ventures I’ve been on.

God used His Word to shift my thinking, and He also used community. He used a staffer who shared her struggles, her Scriptures, and her faith that God would speak to each one of us personally.

At the ministry where I serve, we’ve learned it takes a community to live and thrive in God together. Whether we’re looking at Scripture, sharing how God’s leading in our lives, expressing who God is through a creative project, or offering comfort to one another through prayer – we are better together. Intentionally gathering and growing as the body of Christ impacts the rest of the workweek as we serve Him together.

“It takes a community to live and thrive in God together.”

- Lisa Hosler

Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works.And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near.  Hebrews 10:24-25

How is relational community impacting you and your team these days? Feel free to share your thoughts in the Comment Section below.

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