

By Lisa Hosler
President, Align Life Ministries

If you want to talk to people about Jesus, you’ll have to get out of your comfort boat. And it gets harder from there. You’ll have to do some water-walking.

At the ministry where I serve, God is impassioning us to see everyone with His eyes of compassion—not just the people we’re officially serving. It’s not convenient, it ain’t easy, but it’s worth it. Because they’re worth it, and He’s worth it.

The other Saturday I’m picking my way through a thrift store when I see her. I mean I really see her—drawn face, hunched shoulders, sad eyes.

I begin praying for her as I roll my little cart in and out of the narrow aisles.

There she is again, not looking up, a wisp of a person.

I roll on, pray on. “Father, I can offer to pray for her. Is there something specific?”

“She’s concerned about her daughter,” seems to be the response.

Oh man. Now I have something potentially helpful to pray with her about. And also potentially not even accurate! “Jesus! Lead me. Give me courage.”

I find my cart rolling in her direction. Now I’m right behind her. Now I’m right beside her! Aaaah! What if she bites my head off and says, “Mind yer own business!”

All of that as I say to her, “Hi, I noticed you earlier and felt led to pray for you. I’m… uh… sensing you may be concerned about your daughter…”

Shock spreads across her face as she says, “Are you a psychic?”

“No, I’m a Jesus-follower, and as I was talking to Him about you, I sensed your concern for your daughter.”

“It’s my step-daughter, but how did you know?!”

“Well, Jesus knows everything. He sees you, He loves you, He wants to help.”

Twenty minutes later, I knew the whole story about her step-daughter, the estrangement, the desire for reconciliation, how she’d visited a church for the first time in decades, and how she’d been crying out to God for help. I got to pray with her. And I got to see her eyes form deep green pools of wonder at the unexpected love God poured into her heart.

6 Keys to Walking On Water Toward Others

1. See. Have a heart to see the people around you like Jesus did—like sheep without a Shepherd, like precious human beings who have a life, who have cares, who have desires.

2. Pray. As you’re drawn toward an individual, begin praying for them. Ask God to pour out His compassion on them, to prepare their heart, to lead you in what to say.

3. Sense. Tune into anything specific God may impress on you for the individual. It may be a word of encouragement, a verse, or a need they have.

4. Walk toward them. This is where it gets really dicey. This is where you chicken out or step out. This is where you need boldness from the Lord. Ask Him; He’ll give it to you.

5. Speak. Greet them. Ask them how they’re doing. Talk to them with love and interest. Talk to them like you talk to your friends. Say whatever uplifting thing God’s given you. Offer to pray for them.

6. Continue. Go with it. Keep talking with the person as long as God leads and as long as they want to engage with you. Be yourself, be natural, be Spirit-led. God knows how many seeds He’s given you to plant.

As Christ-followers, we’re all called to lead—to take that first step, to walk on water, to initiate conversations with others about Jesus. Paul says in Ephesians 6:20 and again in Colossians 4:4, “Pray that I may speak boldly and clearly, as I ought to speak” (ESV, paraphrased).

As I ought to speak. In the Greek, the word ought means “what is right, proper, and absolutely necessary.” As Christ-followers and leaders, sharing Jesus isn’t an optional possibility. It’s an absolute necessity.

“As Christ-followers and leaders, sharing Jesus isn’t an optional possibility. It’s an absolute necessity.”

- Lisa Hosler

In the Comment Section below, share an instance when you felt like you were walking on water as you initiated a conversation about Jesus. How did God help you?

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