Note the plural on the word delays. If you’re like most leaders, there’s not just one project or hire or goal that’s on hold—there’s a plethora. Aaaaaaaah! How do we embrace delay and displace angst?
I’ve been working on a big project for several years. Seasons of great progress have been followed by seasons of no progress—or so it seems.
It reminds me of the freeze frame photo above, where the woman is being catapulted through the air into a body of water. Look at her at any point along the way, and she appears motionless—as though she’s absolutely stuck in mid-air.
That’s how delay feels in real life—like being stuck, hindered, helpless.
But God.
Let’s look at it from His perspective.
1. “In the fullness of time.” All throughout Scripture, this concept is repeated. It refers to God choosing the exact right time for a major event to take place—like Christ’s birth, or His return. God is right about the timing of Jesus entering the world, and He’s right about the timing of our project completions.
2. God works for the good. Romans 8:28 says God is constantly working on our behalf—orchestrating people, situations, relationships, and projects—for our good and the fulfillment of His purposes. Our part involves trust and surrender.
3. Spiritual Warfare. Daniel saw a vision of an angel who attributed a three-week delay to a spiritual battle in the heavenly realms (Dan. 10:10-14). He assured Daniel that his prayers were heard and God was responding. The take-home message for us is to faithfully cry out to God straight through delays.
4. Our focus. Hebrews 12 opens with these words: “Run with endurance… looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.” Jesus persevered and prevailed. When we fix our eyes on Him, we’re empowered to do the same.
5. Our character. James 1 reminds us that any kind of trials help us progress toward “perfection and completion.” Ha! So we’re concerned about project completion, and God’s concerned about character completion. Take another look at the woman in the photo. She’s in a much better position to enter the water at the far right than she was at the launch.
6. Faithful in little, faithful in much. As leaders, we’re geared for the “much”—the big splash at the end of a long, wild ride. But Jesus exhorts us to keep our hand to the plow that’s in front of us. As we’re faithful in the little, He’ll bring about the much.
I’m convinced that one of the enemy’s chief tactics is to shift our focus from what’s right with Jesus to what’s wrong with everything else. He knows it’ll bring discouragement, distraction, and demotivation for the tasks at hand. So as leaders, instead of focusing on the seeming delay, let’s focus on the Lord of time and seize each day.
“As leaders, instead of focusing on the seeming delay, focus on the Lord of time and seize each day.”
- Lisa Hosler
What’s a good perspective God’s given you in the midst of delays? Feel free to share it in the Comment Section below.