

By Lisa Hosler
President, Align Life Ministries

Remember those awkward pre-leadership days of not having a clear calling or definitive direction for your life? I sure do! And if you’re like me, there were a few people who believed in you, prayed for you, and gave input that shaped the course of your leadership. Have you thanked them recently?

I did some reminiscing last week as I drove past the road leading to my writing coach’s house. I thought of how she regularly pointed out positive traits she saw in me when I was a fledgling leader. My mind drifted back to a junior high youth leader who said, “There’s a calling on your life, Lisa. I’m committing to pray for you about that.” I thought of a college advisor who slipped a note in my mailbox saying he believed in me and saw leadership qualities in me. And the speaker at my first leadership retreat who pulled me aside to say he observed spiritual maturity in me from my interactions during sessions and with others.

My heart swelled with gratitude as I thought of the impact their comments had in my life. In the midst of uncertainties, their comments were stepping stones that kept me pursuing God and the service path He had for me.

So the next day, I sent a hand-written note to my writing coach, thanking her for encouraging me through the years.

Can You Thank Someone Today?

How about you? Is there someone who’s encouraged you as a leader that you could thank today?

1. You could give them a quick call.

2. You could email them.

3. You could send them a card.

4. Better yet – if they live close by – you could line up a get-together and share what God’s been doing in your life.

We don’t become leaders in a vacuum. God uses our parents, family members, and leaders in the family of God to build us up in Him and prepare us for leadership. Let’s thank them!

Therefore encourage one another and build one another up,

just as you are doing… respect those who are over you in the Lord and admonish you…

esteem them very highly in love because of their work.

1 Thessalonians 5:11-13

In the Comment Section below, share a brief story about someone who spoke into your life and the impact it had on you as a leader.

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