
Ten Ways to Keep Stonehenge Projects from Closing in on You

By Lisa Hosler
President, Align Life Ministries

In a perfect world, large projects would be spaced evenly throughout our calendars. They’d be accomplished one by one with plenty of R & R in-between. In the real world, that’s seldom the case. Projects mount up like household chores and multiply like rabbits. But take heart – with the right perspective, you and your team will learn to multi-task heavy projects like champs.

Our faces fell.

Our leadership team was discussing a big project, and it gradually morphed into a monster. A money- and time-eating monster we hadn’t planned to feed.

We looked at each other in stunned disbelief. But we realized it was wise and right to pursue it, we knew God would provide, and we ended the meeting laughing out loud at the enormity of it. Really, it was laugh or cry because it had just gotten added to a list of other monumental projects.

Enter Stonehenge.

That’s how I pictured the colossal projects circling in on us. I googled Stonehenge and learned of its origins and the height of its tallest rock – 24 feet. Yep, that was easily the height of this newest monster project and its frightening friends.

Ten Tips to Keep Stonehenge Projects in Perspective:

1) Determine your orientation. Are you flat out on the ground, looking up at the projects and turning them into skyscrapers? If you are, stand up in God. Remember His greatness and His indwelling power.

2) Pray without ceasing. God’s ways and thoughts are higher than ours (Isaiah 55:8-9). Spend plenty of time talking with God and discerning His wisdom and specific strategies for each project with your team.

3) Be authentic. Let team members know when you’re overwhelmed or stressed. Chances are they are too. Playing the superhero will wear you out and make them wear a mask too. Honesty really is the best policy.

4) Do a reality check. Most likely these projects don’t need to happen simultaneously and with the same exact deadline. Breathe.

5) Prioritize. What’s weightiest in importance? What has a true pressing deadline? What’s the sequencing? Get a handle on the importance of each project to your mission and proceed accordingly.

6) Weed out imposters. The intensity of busy seasons attracts rogue projects. Keep your focus and don’t allow them to push their way in, seizing your attention and sapping your strength.

7) Divide and conquer. While your whole team carries responsibility for the projects, you won’t have equal involvement in each. Agree on who does what. Communicate. Collaborate.

8) Ride out the ambiguity. The unknown aspects of new ventures can exaggerate their true size. Don’t fall for it. As unknowns become known – and they will – projects shrink to their true size.

9) Celebrate advances. When the pressure’s on, encouraging each other with progress and breakthroughs is essential. Share the good news via email or come together for a fist bump party.  

10) Reorient yourself in truth. From God’s vantage point – where you’re seated with Christ in the heavenly realms – Stonehenge rocks look like Lego blocks. Follow God’s lead and use His strength to move each block into its proper position as you build toward the future.

A trick of the enemy is to grossly inflate projects to a larger-than-life size. He wants you to feel overwhelmed by the projects and underwhelmed by your own ability. When projects loom large and your ability seems small, look to your heavenly Father. God never hands you mammoth projects without giving you His magnificent presence, wisdom, and strength.

"God never hands you mammoth projects without giving you His magnificent presence, wisdom, and strength."

- Lisa Hosler

What perspectives have helped you as you’ve led your teams through multiple large projects? Feel free to share your thoughts in the Comment Section below.

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