

By Lisa Hosler
President, Align Life Ministries

Words like stop, rest, enjoy, and celebrate aren’t found in the titles of many leadership seminars. But they’re found in the life of Jesus and they’re worth emulating, no matter how busy we are. Whether it’s a staff member’s birthday, a client’s salvation, or a successful event – let’s take the time to commemorate it, blow up balloons, and get the party going!

At the ministry where I serve, we’re always on the look-out for reasons to celebrate. Recently, one of our administrative staffers completed a 9-month spiritual leadership course at a local church. Besides interactive lectures, field assignments, and ministry opportunities – it required lots of homework. After her graduation, one of our staffers said, “Hey, let’s throw a surprise party for Heather at lunch on Wednesday!” Someone got chocolate cake, someone brought strawberries, and someone else made a congratulations banner. We all signed a card and… “Voila!” – we had fun marking a significant occasion together.

Occasions to Celebrate

1. Holidays. Especially Christmas – where your staff can pull together for a meaningful time of honoring Jesus’ birth.

2. Staff birthdays. These are a must at our ministry, complete with the staffer’s favorite dessert and their requested version of the Happy Birthday song.

3. Milestones. Maybe it’s a new house, a new degree, or a new spouse – anything of significance is worth commemorating.

4. Successful event. When the big fundraiser is over, how about treating the staff to an ice cream sundae party?

5. Stressful ministry season. You can mark the end of hectic season by taking a few hours offsite with impacted staffers to enjoy a favorite activity together.

6. Work project. Gather your staff and maybe some volunteers for larger work projects, and think of ways to make it fun and memorable.

7. Lives impacted. In addition to honoring God for His life-changing work at your public events, incorporate mini-celebrations with your staff to praise the Lord all year long.  

Benefits of Celebrating

1. You cultivate a culture of honor by acknowledging someone’s special day or accomplishment.

2. When you gather around the table or join in a special activity, you get to know each other in a more relaxed, casual environment.

3. Inevitably, stories will be shared and laughter will break out – brightening everyone’s work day.

There’s ample precedence for celebrating in the Bible. God enjoyed what He created each day, the father threw a party for the prodigal son, Jesus taught His disciples to rest and eat together, and angels rejoice over one sinner’s repentance.

As leaders, we can be so driven that we don’t think we have one spare minute to celebrate. But celebrations aren’t time-wasters, they’re memory-makers.

“Celebrations aren’t time-wasters, they’re memory-makers.”

- Lisa Hosler

“Rejoice with those who rejoice…”

Romans 12:15

How do you celebrate with co-workers? Feel free to share your thoughts in the Comment Section below.

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