

By Lisa Hosler
President, Align Life Ministries

Leaders are busy. Wise leaders are busy doing the right things. But how do you know what’s right?

At the ministry where I serve, we’ve found that what’s “right” is determined not by our own human wisdom, but by God’s higher ways and thoughts.

Isaiah 55:8-9 says, “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord. “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.”

Can you imagine the gap between heaven and earth? Neither can I, but I’m grateful God willingly closes it by sharing His wisdom with us. If He wasn’t willing, Jesus wouldn’t have taught us to pray, “Father, Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”

What’s “right” is gleaned as we set aside our own thoughts and ways, ask God for His, and ask for God’s heavenly version of our ministry to come into existence.

That’s what we’ve done at Align Life Ministries. We seek to do what’s right by operating according to our mission and core values, which have been shaped by God’s heavenly perspective—through His Word, through focused prayer, and through the counsel of spiritual advisors.

3 Examples of God’s Higher Perspectives for Align Life Ministries

1. A leadership mandate. God helped us understand that while He’s called us to be a pregnancy resource ministry, He wants us to swim upstream, to do things in fresh, daring ways. And He wants us provide spiritual leadership and direction to other ministries. So that means we take time to come alongside of other ministry leaders. This blog is one example.

2. A kingdom perspective. Another eye-opener was that our sole focus was not our own little ministry. Instead, God wanted us to also care about the well-being of the ministries around us, to work in unity together—whether local, regional, national, or international. Acts 1:8 lays this out beautifully.

3. A calling to share expertise. In three decades of ministry, we’ve acquired a wealth of knowledge about the sacredness of life, sexual integrity, and post-abortion recovery. Ephesians 4 talks about equipping the saints for the work of the ministry. As we’ve matured, God’s led us to develop materials to equip others with the expertise He’s given us. Our new sexual integrity curriculum for youth leaders is an example.

How to Tune Into God’s Higher Ways

1. Slow down. The enemy to discerning God’s wisdom is speed. Slow down, and determine to wait on God for His ways and thoughts for your ministry.

2. Lay aside human wisdom. We had lots of great ideas for doing ministry in the early days. And lots of them fell flat. Lay aside your own plans and look for God’s 3D, heavenly version.

3. Seek God. Talk to God long and hard with your comrades, until you’re in agreement that you’ve heard from Him and discerned at least the next step toward His vision.

4. Seek His Word. As you’re talking with God, have His Word at your fingertips and comb through it for insights, direction, and confirmation.

5. Heed counsel. Pay attention to advice from your board, from any spiritual advisors, and from the clarion call God is speaking to the greater body of Christ across regions, the nations, and often worldwide. Apply it to your ministry, according to His will.

Leaders are faced with a plethora of projects and priorities each day. But a wise leader pushes them aside, seeks the Lord, and chooses only what’s right. As we discern what’s right for our ministry by pressing into God and His ways, His kingdom will come—through our ministry on earth—as it is in heaven.

“As leaders discern what’s right for their ministry by pressing into God and His ways, His kingdom will come – through their ministry on earth—as it is in heaven.”

- Lisa Hosler

How has God taught you to discern what’s right for your ministry? Feel free to share your thoughts in the Comment Section below.

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