

By Lisa Hosler
President, Align Life Ministries

Let’s be honest. As leaders, there are days—sometimes seasons—when we feel like we’re losing ground. Our brains are foggy. Our decision-making is dull. We feel one step off with the Lord. Fortunately, God has a remedy.

When I’m doing my morning stretch routine—supporting most of my weight with one hand—occasionally it’ll slip. Not out from under me, but enough to get my attention. A quick spray of water increases the grip between my hand and the mat.

It’s not unlike the power of God’s love in our lives.

There’s nothing fluffy or superfluous about God’s love. It’s the glue that keeps us connected to Him and the motivation that keeps us progressing in Him.

“God’s love is the glue that keeps us connected to Him and the motivation that keeps us progressing in Him.”

- Lisa Hosler

Yes, our salvation forms the bedrock of our relationship with God and is based on the reality of Jesus’ death on the cross, His payment for our sins, and His resurrection from the dead.

But… “God so loved the world…”

He never intended our salvation—and our relationship with Him—to be absent love. The actual experience of the love of our Father (1 John 3:1), the affection of Jesus (Phil. 1:8), and the fellowship of His Spirit (2 Cor. 13:14) are part and parcel to our salvation experience.

3 Simple, Essential Ways to Stay Grounded in God’s Love

1. Draw near. Draw near to work, and work will draw near to you. Ever feel surrounded by work? Maybe that’s what you’re drawing near to! Draw near to God, and God will draw near to you. It’s not that we don’t work; it’s just that we start from a place of embracing our Father and experiencing His encircling, empowering love. Intentionally draw near.

2. Read Scripture. There are countless passages on God’s love. Find one or two, read them slowly, and allow the truth of the words, the reality of the love, to saturate your spirit. I read Philippians 1:1-11 this morning and came away with firm footing in the love of my Father. Marinate in God’s truth.

3. Worship. We worship whatever we gaze at, and whatever we gaze at is magnified. If you’re fixated on work, or problems, they become monstrosities. But if you gaze at God, He is magnified in your heart and in your life experience. Everything else—the deadlines, the pressures, the workload—diminishes to its true size. Worship in spirit and in truth.

Paul prays for the Philippians—and us—in Philippians 1:9-11 –

  • That your love may abound more and more
  • With knowledge and discernment
  • So that you approve what is excellent
  • So you’re pure and blameless
  • So you’re filled with the fruit of righteousness
  • And God receives glory and praise

As leaders, if you want to make wise decisions, if you want to do things with excellence, if you want to lead a pure life, if you want to bear righteous fruit, if you want God to be glorified through you—start by abounding more and more in the love of God.

What are some ways you stay rooted and keep growing in the love of God? Feel free to share your thoughts in the Comment Section below.

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