

By Lisa Hosler
President, Align Life Ministries

What?! Who would purposely put their weakness on display – especially as a leader? After all, isn’t it best to lead with your strengths? In many instances, yes. But there’s a case to be made for also leading in your weaknesses. 

Triple jumping is a great example of literally putting your best foot forward. I triple jumped in high school, and it was the closest sensation I ever experienced to flying. Triple jumpers sprint down a runway to a takeoff mark, bolt off their dominant foot, leap through the air, land on that same foot, leap again, and then use their non-dominant foot to make one final leap into the sawdust pit. They use their strongest foot twice and their weaker foot once in order to clear as much ground as possible.

As leaders, we have a “dominant foot” – our God-given strengths – and wise leaders operate in these frequently. But in God’s sovereignty, we also have weaknesses. And wise leaders share these as well. 

This is a lesson God’s been drilling into me since my early days of leadership. And while it still isn’t easy, when I embrace and share weakness – it’s always worth it. Recently I was on a retreat with a group of leaders who spend time in worship, prayer, and relationship building before delving into the work of our mission. We’ve known each other for years, and prior to the meeting I felt prompted to open up about a long-standing personal “thorn.” I shared it, they listened with love in their eyes, expressed understanding and words of wisdom, and we prayed together. It was beautiful. I was strengthened. Our foundation for ministering together was strengthened.

6 Benefits of Sharing Weakness with Trusted Associates

1. The experience of others’ love for you in the midst of your weakness, not just your strength.

2. The freedom to be your whole self, not just your public self.

3. The joy of being accepted for who you are, warts, wounds, and all.

4. An opportunity to receive prayer and grow in an area God wants to strengthen.

5. Watching God use your own vulnerability to give others the courage to open up.

6. A deepening of relationships that leads to increased trust and ministry advancement.

God’s love for us drew Him like a magnet toward our weakness. Romans 5:6-8 says that God loved us while we were still sinners, and Jesus died for us while we were still weak. Jesus never recoiled from weakness, He ran to it.

Paul boasted about his weakness – knowing that sharing it was the first step toward receiving God’s strength (2 Corinthians 12:9-10).

It’s natural to let our strengths shine and keep our weaknesses in the shadows. But like mold and mildew, weaknesses fester in darkness and Satan has a heyday with them. Bring your weakness into the light, and experience the contentment of being seen, known, and loved “while you’re still weak.”

“Bring your weakness into the light, and experience the contentment of being seen, known, and loved ‘while you’re still weak.’”

- Lisa Hosler

As a leader, how have you grown in being vulnerable about your weaknesses? Feel free to share your thoughts in the Comment Section below.

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