

By Lisa Hosler
President, Align Life Ministries

Got any back pain these days? How about tightness in your neck or shoulders? Sure, we’re leaning into our computer screens every day, but are we also shouldering responsibilities on our own?

Two good friends – both ministry leaders – said the exact same thing to me recently: “I just need two solid weeks where I do nothing but sort through what I already have going on!” I can relate.

Speaker Eric Scalise shared this story: “I was at Williamsburg – the 17th century village in Virginia – and saw a pair of oxen yoked to a wagon, ambling through a side street. I noticed the bows under their necks were sized differently – one was really snug and the other was loose. I asked the wagon driver about it, and he replied, ‘We’ve got a strong old ox with a young ox, and we don’t want to injure the young one by giving him too much weight – so his bow fits loosely.’”

Eric went on to say, “If you can feel the burden of your responsibilities, then you’re carrying the load – not God.”

So my question for you today is, “To what extent are your leadership responsibilities weighing you down right now – in this moment?”

Jesus said His yoke is easy and His burden is light. His clear message is that He wants us to walk so closely with Him that we experience His strength carrying our burdens to the point that they become light.

3 Steps to Lighten Up

1. Feel the load. Even as you’re reading this, pause long enough to discern from God how much responsibility you’re bearing on your own.

2. Ask for wisdom. Stay in a prayer posture, and ask God what He wants you to do about it.

  • Like my friends, maybe you do need some concentrated time to plow through the piled-up papers and projects. You probably won’t find two weeks, but can you find two days? Or two hours?
  • Perhaps there are things someone else could or should be doing.
  • The enemy may simply be exaggerating the weight of the load.
  • Jesus may be saying, “Come to Me, spend more time with Me.”
  • Maybe God wants to renew your perspective of Jesus actually sustaining the weight for you.

3. Commit to it. Whatever God has shown you, commit to seeing it through. Jot it down, schedule it, make the changes.

Even youths get tired. Even strong, seasoned leaders get weary. God designed us that way so we could never be a one-man show. He’s the show. He’s the strength-giver and the glory-receiver. And most of all – He wants to do it all in an intimate relationship with us. Stay yoked to Jesus and experience His strength shouldering your responsibilities and His rest enveloping you.

“Stay yoked to Jesus and experience His strength shouldering your responsibilities and His rest enveloping you.”

- Lisa Hosler

“Are you tired? Worn out? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life.

I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it.

Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you.

Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”

Matthew 11:28-30 (MSG, paraphrased)

How do you lighten up when leadership responsibilities weigh down on you? Feel free to share your thoughts in the Comment Section below.

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