

By Lisa Hosler
President, Align Life Ministries

A prudent leader tunes into God and discerns His wisdom. But how? And how can he know he’s truly hearing from God? Let’s open the Word and find out.

(Todd… maybe someone sitting with their Bible open and a pondering look on their face as they look into the distance.)

One of the first times I sensed God’s voice was on a commuter plane from Philly to Harrisburg. I was a novice flyer, so my fear level spiked when the flight was initially delayed by storms. LONG before the skies were blue, we were directed outside to board. As we stood on the wet tarmac in front of the mosquito-sized airplane, I thought to myself: Oh great, this plane is so small they can’t even connect it to a jetway! And check this out – there are only five steps to climb into the plane, and the railing is rope. Rope – now that’s substantial! Anxiety coursed through my body, so I quoted the verse about God not giving us a spirit of fear… to no avail. The straw that broke my remaining backbone was the miniature propeller perched on the wing. 

And then God whispered, “I’ll take you home on My wings, Lisa.”

God’s peace settled over me. I knew those words weren’t my own; they were in direct contrast to my fearful ones. They were filled with hope and strength. Even though there was turbulence straight through that flight, my heart was calm because I’d heard from God.   

God designed us to hear from Him. Jesus said in John 10:27, “My sheep hear My voice… and they follow Me.” In 1 Corinthians 2, Paul explains that the Spirit searches the depths of God, and He reveals to us those things that are “freely given to us by God.” Later on in the chapter Paul writes, “We have the mind of Christ.”

5 Ways to Hear from God

1. The Word. This is the gold standard for hearing from God. His Spirit teaches us as we interact with the written Word. Scripture should form the foundation for the mission, culture, and direction of our ministries.

2. A mental impression. God may put a strategic thought for ministry advancement in our minds, or He may prompt us to pray with a struggling coworker. His thoughts will often stand out from our typical flow of thought, making them more noticeable.  

3. An image. God may use something we observe in nature to shed light on a ministry situation, or He may put a picture in our minds as we pray. Ask Him for its relevance, and take time to mull it over as you discern its application.

4. A conversation. God’s Spirit may highlight certain words another person says because He has a message for us through them. Learn to pay attention to those words and weigh them carefully before the Lord.

5. A song. God may place a tune in your mind – for me it’s often a hymn. As you reflect on the words, look for phrases that pertain to an aspect of your life or ministry. God may also quicken the words of a current song to you to confirm something He’s doing in your life.  

Litmus Test for Hearing from God

1. Is it biblical? Before responding to what you’ve sensed, look at it through the lens of Scripture to see if it’s in concert with God’s truth.

2. Does it resonate with others? As you share it with key leaders in your organization, do they concur after prayerfully considering it?

3. Is it peaceable? Do you have an overarching sense of God’s peace as you envision implementing what you’ve sensed?

God is Spirit, and we worship Him in spirit and in truth. As 1 Corinthians 2 explains, we hear from God in spirit and in truth as well. If you want to hear from God, hide His Word in your heart and tune your ears to His Spirit.

“If you want to hear from God, hide His Word in your heart and tune your ears to His Spirit.”

- Lisa Hosler

How do you hear from God? Feel free to share your thoughts in the Comment Section below.

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