

By Lisa Hosler
President, Align Life Ministries

Some of the most ordinary things in life are actually extraordinary when we take time to ponder them. So let’s think about seeds—both physical and spiritual. And then let’s do something with them.

Last week I planted marigold and sunflower seeds in a container of peat pellets. I was pretty amazed when just a few days later they broke through the soil and even had tiny leaves. Their skinny stems were white from being sequestered under a clear plastic dome. When I took off the dome and placed the container on a window sill, they seemed to turn green right before my eyes. Every few hours, I could see noticeable growth.

Fun Facts About Seeds

Smallest seed. A tropical rainforest orchid seed is 1/300th of an inch long.

Largest seed. A palm tree seed is 12” long and can weigh up to 40 pounds.

Fastest vegetable seed. Broccoli, cauliflower and kale seeds germinate in one day.

Slowest vegetable seed. Asparagus seeds germinate in 21-30 days.

Oldest mature seed to germinate. A 2,000-year-old Judean date palm seed, discovered in Herod the Great’s palace in Israel, was planted and germinated in 2005.

As fascinating as physical seeds are, spiritual seeds are even more phenomenal. They’re actually supernatural, because they are literally the Word of God (Lk. 8:17). As such, they’re timeless—far older than the Judean date palm seed. But they’re very much alive and active (Heb. 4:12). Through the Spirit, seeds of God’s truth can transform people’s lives from eternal death to eternal life. We are born again by the imperishable seed of the Word of God (1 Pet. 1:23).

4 Keys to Cultivating Spiritual Seeds

1. Receive them. As leaders, we need a steady diet of the seeds of God’s Word. If the Bible seems dry to you these days, remember that seeds look that way until they’re planted in moist soil. Ask God to soften your heart, then read the Word and He’ll germinate truth in your life.

2. Gather them. As seeds of truth come to fruition in your own life, keep track of them. Meditate on them. Have them “at the ready” to share with others. An awesome thing about seeds of the Word is that when we give them away, we still have them. And there’s a never-ending supply in the Bible. 

3. Plant them. Scripture tells us to sow seeds freely and generously. Look for God-given opportunities to share seeds of the gospel and truth with people—believers and non-believers alike.

4. Water them. Without water, seeds will die. They’ll also die from overwatering. Be sensitive to God’s Spirit as you speak the Word in season and out of season, exhorting people gently and respectfully.

By God’s design, physical seeds grow when planted and cared for. By God’s design, spiritual seeds grow and spring forth into eternal life. As we know from the parable of the sower (Lk. 8:4-15), when growth doesn’t happen, the issue isn’t the seed.

Paul says in 1 Corinthians 3:6, “My job was to plant the seed, and Apollos was called to water it. Any growth comes from God.” As leaders and believers, our job—and our incredible privilege—is to plant seeds of the gospel and truth in people’s hearts. Let’s be generous seed sowers.

“As leaders and believers, our job—and our incredible privilege—is to plant seeds of the gospel and truth in people’s hearts. Let’s be generous seed sowers.”

- Lisa Hosler

What’s God saying to you about planting seeds of truth? Feel free to share your thoughts in the Comment Section below.

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