

By Lisa Hosler
President, Align Life Ministries

Take yesterday at work, for example. Can you remember praying on your own or with others? If you’re like most leaders, the answer is no. There were back to back meetings in your office, piles of projects on your desk, and unexpected visitors at your door.

The title of this blog may well have been: 3 REASONS TO TALK TO THE WISEST PERSON IN THE ROOM. Hmmm… that puts a different twist on workplace prayer. Instead of a passive activity that takes us away from urgent tasks, prayer becomes a proactive engagement that leads us into productive intimacy with our Father.

“Prayer isn’t a passive activity that takes us away from urgent tasks, it’s a proactive engagement that leads us into productive intimacy with our Father.

- Lisa Hosler

The other week a colleague burst through my door. A multiphased project had crossed an important threshold. She was elated, I was overjoyed, but we were both busy. It would’ve been easy to knock knuckles and get back to work.

But Someone else was rejoicing with us.

We paused. She sat down. We prayed. We talked to our Father about the stages the project had gone through, and how we were now releasing it to others for input. God reminded us of how Jochebed lowered her bulrush bassinet into the reeds by the riverbank—entrusting her baby to God’s safe-keeping. And how He protected Moses and accomplished His purposes through his life. Engulfed in our Father’s embrace and anchored in His Word, we fully entrusted the project to Him.

Pausing to talk with our Father was honoring to Him and faith-building for us.

3 Reasons to Talk to the Wisest Person in the Room

1.  He’s your Father. You may be the CEO of your organization, but your main title and core identity is COG—child of God. You always need His love. You always need His protection. You always need His provision. His discipline. His embrace. These come through an active relationship which includes on-the-job prayer.

2.  He’s your Lord. As the Lord Jesus Christ, Jesus is Commander in Chief of your organization and of you as an individual. As such, He has supreme wisdom, ultimate guidance, and divine purpose—and He wants to share it. How essential—and strategic—to mine His wisdom through workplace prayer.  

3.  He’s your Friend. Jesus refers to the Holy Spirit as your Advocate, your Helper, your Comforter, your Teacher. The One who indwells and empowers. These words remind me of the description of God in Psalm 46:1 – “an ever present help in time of need.” The Holy Spirit is with you in the midst of the busiest day, the most difficult meeting. Talking to Him is helpful, comforting, empowering.

Leaders who pause through the day to talk to God—on their own and with others—demonstrate they know who the True Leader of their organization is, need His wisdom, and value their love relationship with Him.

I want to be that kind of leader.

What keeps you from praying while you’re in your leadership role, and what are the benefits when you do? Feel free to share your thoughts in the Comment Section below.

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