
10 Why's and How's to Honor God at Work

By Lisa Hosler
President, Align Life Ministries

Most Christian leaders would say our deepest desire is to bring glory to God. We strive to do so in the general way we lead our organizations and live our lives. But in the crush of deadlines and the press of responsibilities, honoring God isn’t an everyday occurrence at work. It takes intentionality to honor God, but He’s well worth the effort.

In the years before God taught us to actively honor Him, I’d say something like this at our annual banquets, “We give God all the glory for what He’s doing through our ministry.” Or I’d write in our newsletter, “All of this is possible because of God, and we honor Him for it.”

I certainly meant it, but at the time I didn’t realize God desired more than a mention of His name.

And it definitely didn’t seem possible during the workday when there was so much important… uh, work to be done! Without intending to, I’d segmented my worship into Sundays, special services, and my own private times with the Lord.

Through the years, God has shown us biblical reasons and meaningful ways to glorify Him.

1) God is worthy. As Lord of creation and Lord of our organizations, God is worthy of our praise. There are endless ways to lift Him up through dedicated times of worship and spontaneous, everyday conversations. Set aside time for your staff to be with God together.

2) God is present. We know God is omniscient, but it’s often not in the forefront of our thinking. We can honor Him and cultivate an awareness of His presence by talking to Him frequently – quietly in our own hearts and out loud with others. Look for opportunities to pray with coworkers.

3) God is with us. There is a “withness” in the Trinity (John 1:1), and God invites us into that oneness of relationship. We can relate with God through the workday by opening His Word for a few minutes, reflecting on it, and simply expressing our gratitude to Him. The key is to make and take the time.

4) God is our source. God is the source of everything we need within our organizations. He is exalted when we depend on Him, seek His provision, and exhibit trust in Him. Our staff and supporters are drawn to God as we express our confidence in Him.

5) God is our strength. Christ lives in us by the Spirit and gives us strength. Acknowledging God’s “ever present help in time of need” spotlights God’s ability and enables us to forge ahead in the midst of difficult workdays.

6) God is our truth. God’s truth is the bedrock of our vision and mission. As we operate according to biblical principles, our ministries are built on a solid foundation and function with greater security and stability. God is magnified.

7) God is our light. Jesus came to give us light, and His Word is a lamp for our feet. When we turn to Him for direction – no matter the size of the project or problem – we’re acknowledging His supremacy.

8) God is our wisdom. The wisdom of God is pure, peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere (James 3:17). As we put God’s wisdom into practice in our organizations, people see its impact and God receives glory.  

9) God is our reason. Our organizations exist by God’s design to carry out His mission for His name’s sake. When God towers above all the other reasons we’re in ministry and leadership, others see our heart attitude, and He is exalted.

10) God is love. God first loved us. He saved us, redeemed us, and is sanctifying us. When we respond with wholehearted love for Him and love our coworkers as we love ourselves, we’re obeying the greatest commandments and God is pleased.

These are just ten of the countless reasons and ways you can actively honor God in your leadership. Hopefully they whet your appetite for more, and God leads you to worship Him all throughout your workday. There is no end to God’s worthiness and no limit to our expressions of honor, love, and praise.

“Father, there is no end to Your worthiness. May there be no limit to our worship.”

- Lisa Hosler

How do you honor God through a typical workday or week? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section below.

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